Tom Danley’s Mic Recordings
Well it is probably no surprise to you that I have a fondness for low frequencies and loud noises. If you have heard our speakers, I would like to think maybe its not a surprise that I am keenly interested in reproducing the “stereo image” and realism in reproduction too.
I have been developing a microphone invention for a while now and on the 4th of July, I was inspired to set it up in the back yard at my house to record the Town’s fireworks which are set off about ½ mile away.
I put the last few minutes of it on a CD and have since played it (to be honest, over and over). It was so much fun, I thought others might want to play this too.
A word of warning:
This recording has a HUGE dynamic range of about 70dB and a peak to average ratio of 40 dB. On the peaks, it is easy to clip things and the spectrum is such that the level at 10Hz is about equal with that at 50Hz (a broad mound around 25 – 30Hz). In other words, this recording can gobble up all the headroom you have and the source is one of the most difficult things to reproduce there is from many aspects. Preserving time and bandwidth critical so also try it on good headphones if your not impressed with it through your speakers.
Have fun and approach maximum level carefully.
–Tom Danley
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