
Machine Auguries: Toledo

Toledo, Ohio

Toledo Museum of Art

Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg creates art that explores our relationships with nature and technology. Her latest installation, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg – Machine Auguries: Toledo, explores this relationship by simulating a dawn chorus using generative adversarial networks – two neural networks that work in a ‘call and response’ and are sometimes used to create lifelike but fake images.

Machine Auguries, 2019 – Documentation from Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg on Vimeo.

Making these sorts of installations happen are no small feat. The artist partnered with a variety of technical consultants from Europe and the United States including Great Lakes Sound, Engineers Ltd, LightLab and Aurelia Sound Works, amongst others.

Products Used

Perfect for Experiences

“The audio system features 24 Danley Sound Labs Cube loudspeakers individually zoned using DAS INTEGRAL-MA1604 amplifiers and networked over Dante,” said Conner Owen of Great Lakes Sound. “The lighting utilizes 69 Encapsulite (UK) 1.5M long LED tubes hung at a raking angle throughout the room. eldoLED 180D drivers and 200W power supplies are hidden in a sub grid above the ceiling all custom painted to blend in with their surroundings.”

Buford High School

The Buford High School Performing Arts Center features SH96 mains and SH95’s for downfills. SM100’s are used for the delays and balcony and SM LPM’s are used as monitors on the stage.

Danley Sound Labs

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