Loud and clear, yet cost efficient, the OS12CX offers fully weatherized, high fidelity and high output audio. This ultra-compact box combines great fidelity and unrivaled magnitude/phase response that is also impervious to weather. Featuring a 12”/1” coaxial driver the loudspeaker is designed for shorter throw applications from a compact full range Synergy Horn™. Utilizing a Synergy crossover network allows for proper phase alignment between frequency bands. This permits the physically separated bands to combine and emerge as a single source, greatly reducing off axis distortions in frequency response and allowing for greater clarity at long distances. A Sentinel ™ protection circuit offers an added level of protection to the high frequency driver.
As an added layer of protection we include our Sentinel™ high frequency driver protection circuitry which is a multistage limiter that protects the coaxial driver in the event of overloads (peaks or long term). It is inaudible during normal operation, so dynamic range is not compromised. Utilize our DNA amplifiers or processor for maximum performance and protection with industry leading DSP capabilities.
These attributes make the OS Family of loudspeakers a perfect choice for many outdoor locations such as sports venues, arenas, athletic fields and complexes, theme and recreational parks, public gatherings, racetracks, community centers, cruise ships, hockey rinks, electronic carillons, water parks, and swimming areas. And it comes with a heavy-duty aluminum mounting bracket and angle strap.
Product Specifications
57Hz – 24 kHz – 10 dB
1200 W peak
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