So much more than you would expect from such a small box, this portable dynamo is perfect for a small band or in an installation where space is at a premium. Thanks to its size, it is so easy to set up and pack away that it can deliver performance where no other subwoofer can.

Product Specifications

Operating Frequency Range
48 Hz – 200 Hz – 3 dB
41 Hz -10dB
Continuous Output
129 dB SPL
Peak Output
135 dB SPL
101 dB SPL (2.83 Volts into rated Z, at 1 meter), measured in half space
Driver Complement
one 12″ long excursion woofer
24 x 15 x 24 inches
76 lbs
Rated Impedance
8 Ohms
Power Rating
700 W continuous
1,400 W program
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