
University of Tennessee – Chattanooga

Chattanooga, TN

Meeting the Demands of Humid Conditions

Indoor pools and aquatic centers present significant challenges in producing high-quality sound. From the materials used within the facility to the environmental issues presented, choosing the right audio system can be difficult. Because of these challenges, University of Tennessee – Chattanooga space design technician Ray Soldano had relied on a portable PA system to be used when needed.

The new permanent installation features 4 Danley Sound Labs Extreme Weather (EW) variant SBH20LF loudspeakers. These loudspeakers utilize technologies that allow the speakers to be both lighter and more impervious to harsh conditions as compared to standard plywood loudspeakers.

Products Used

Only Danley

Howard Technology Solutions utilized 4 SBH20LF loudspeakers for pattern control and chose the EW variant to survive the harsh conditions of an indoor pool.

University of North Florida

In 2021, Nick Morrow stepped into his role as athletic director at the University of North Florida (UNF), but he was no stranger to the University. His first task in his new role was to renovate UNF Arena – home of the UNF Ospreys’ basketball and volleyball teams.

Danley Sound Labs

The Best in Collegiate Athletics

Danley Sound Labs amplifiers, loudspeakers and subwoofers can be found in arenas and stadiums across the United States. Contact us today so we can connect you with a local distributor and schedule a live demo.