Crossway Studio

Crossway Studio

Mendham, New Jersey

In 2024, Danley Sound Labs was called on by Sweetwater Integration to be part of the redesign of Crossway Studio, the former home and private studio of Grammy Award-winning recording artist Whitney Houston. This meticulous restoration now features a Danley 7.1.4 Dolby Atmos System and was featured as the cover story of the June 2024 issue of Recording Magazine. Most recently, the studio was also named a finalist for best New Studio design at the 2025 NAMM TEC Awards.

New studio owner Hal Cohen sought to revitalize the historic studio while also updating the facility with newer technologies. He called the original designers, Russ Berger Design Group, to assist.

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The new design features a Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 Atmos Array. Behind the screen wall in front of the studio’s new Avid S6 mixing console are three Danley HRE1 monitors, acting as left, center and right channels, along with two DTS20 subwoofers that serve as bass management and LFE for the ceiling and height loudspeakers. The remaining surrounds are SM60 loudspeakers used as ceiling loudspeakers with SM90s serving as height speakers.

The system provides a full-range monitoring solution.

“We repurposed the front wall and built it as a screen wall, much like a dub stage,” said Russ Berger, studio designer. “The Danley’s sound amazing in this space and provide outstanding quality at a very reasonable price point.”

“Russ and Mark Hornsby first introduced me to Danley,” said Hal Cohen, studio owner. “At first, I was so blown away that I chose them for the Atmos array. Now, I understand what speakers should sound like! When I found out they had TDH-3’s as near-field monitors, I tried those out and loved them as well. So, now I’m all Danley.”

The Perfect Studio Sound

Dolby Atmos 7.1.4

Danley’s incredible product line allows for customization to meet the need of any studio space. Whether a simple left / right monitor setup is needed or a full Atmos array, Danley’s product variety allows for the perfect solution for any space.
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